Mouth breathing bad for your health?

by Shawn Woodman on March 28, 2023

Did you know that chronic mouth breathing can be bad for your health?

We should pay attention and consciously attempt to always breathe through the nose as much as possible.

Our bodies naturally produce more nitric oxide (NO) when we breathe though the nose! Temporary mouth breathing during intense exercise is normal. Studies show that the amount of oxygen used during exercise does not change whether mouth breathing or nasal breathing, but once exertion causes the switch to mouth breathing, blood pressure may tend to be higher due to decreased nitric oxide levels.

Benefits of nose breathing:
-Increased nitric oxide production
-Controls temperature of inhaled air
-Filters dust, germs, allergens, and pollutants from the air rather than allowing them directly into the lungs
-Humidifies the air
-Sense of smell allows you to detect pollutants in the air or in food
-Deeper breathing, better oxygenation

Symptoms of mouth breathing:
-Dry mouth
-Bad breath
-Waking up with a headache
-Chronic fatigue
-Brain fog
-Dark circles under the eyes

Issues caused by chronic mouth breathing:
-Halitosis (bad breath)
-Periodontal disease
-Throat and ear infections
-Tooth decay
-Chronic allergies
-Hay fever
-Chronic sinus infections
-Chronic stress or anxiety

If you are a mouth breather, pay attention to your breath throughout the day, and try breathing exercises to help develop a habit of breathing through your nose. If you have a temporary illness or cold, mouth breathing may be unavoidable. If you have chronic sinus blockage or a physical obstruction that prevents nasal breathing, talk to your doctor to find out if there is a solution (chronic allergies, chronic illness, nasal polyps, deviated septum, sleep apnea, etc.) There are commercial solutions available to help people who unknowingly breathe through the mouth at night (nasal strips, mouth tape, nasal dilating devices, sleep apnea devices, etc.)

Chronic mouth breathing in children must be addressed, because it can cause developmental issues.
Children may experience/develop:
-Long, narrow faces
-Droopy eyes
-Narrow nostrils
-Narrow mouths
-Dry lips
-"Gummy" smile
-Large overbite and crowded teeth
-Poor posture
-Poor growth
-Poor academic performanc
-Inability to concentrate
-Sleep disorders
-Children who have trouble concentrating at school are more likely to be misdiagnosed as ADHD

Medical interventions such as surgery or dental appliances may be necessary in children who are chronic mouth breathers to improve their developmental outlook.

This post is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns about yourself, a loved one, or child, please seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.

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